Conjugate Gradient Method - Stanford University

conjugate gradient method example python

conjugate gradient method example python - win

[code] Klibanov algorithm for one option and 10mn laps

Here is the implementation in python of the algorithm in this article:
#! /usbin/python #---------- # This unusual and intriguing algorithm was originally invented # by Michael V. Klibanov, Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, # University of North Carolina at Charlotte. It is published in the following # paper: # M.V. Klibanov, A.V. Kuzhuget and K.V. Golubnichiy, # "An ill-posed problem for the Black-Scholes equation # for a profitable forecast of prices of stock options on real market data", # Inverse Problems, 32 (2016) 015010. #---------- # Script assumes it's called by crontab, at the opening of the market #----- import numpy as np import pause, datetime from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests # Quadratic interpolation of the bid and ask option prices, and linear interpolation in between ( def funcQuadraticInterpolationCoef(values): # There is 'scipy.interpolate.interp1d' too y = np.array(values) A = np.array([[1,0,0],[1,-1,1],[1,-2,4]]) return np.linalg.solve(A,y) # def funcUab(t,coef): return coef[2]*t**2 + coef[1]*t + coef[0] def funcF(s, sa, sb, ua, ub): return (s-sb)*(ua-ub)/(sa-sb) + ub # Initialize the volatility and option lists of 3 values optionBid = [0] # dummy value to pop in the loop optionAsk = [0] # dummy value to pop in the loop volatility = [0] # dummy value to pop in the loop # Initalization for the loop Nt = 4 # even number greater than 2: 4, 6, ... Ns = 2 # even number greater than 0: 2, 4, ... twotau = 2 # not a parameter... alpha = 0.01 # not a parameter... dt = twotau / Nt # time grid step dimA = ( (Nt+1)*(Ns+1), (Nt+1)*(Ns+1) ) # Matrix A dimensions dimb = ( (Nt+1)*(Ns+1), 1 ) # Vector b dimensions A = np.zeros( dimA ) # Matrix A b = np.zeros( dimb ) # Vector b portfolio = 1000000 # Money 'available' securityMargin = 0.00083 # EMPIRICAL: needs to be adjusted when taking into account the transaction fees (should rise, see the article p.8) # Wait 10mn after the opening of the market datet = datet = datetime.datetime(datet.year, datet.month,, datet.hour, datet.minute + 10) pause.until(datet) # Record the stock and option values and wait 10mn more def funcRetrieveStockOptionVolatility(): # Stock stock_data_url = "" stock_data_html = requests.get(data_url).content stock_content = BeautifulSoup(stock_data_html, "html.parser") stock_bid = content.find("td", {'class': 'Ta(end) Fw(600) Lh(14px)', 'data-test': "BID-value"}) print(stock_bid) stock_ask = content.find("td", {'class': 'Ta(end) Fw(600) Lh(14px)', 'data-test': "ASK-value"}) print(stock_ask) stockOptVol[0] = stock_bid.text.split()[0] stockOptVol[1] = stock_ask.text.split()[0] # Option option_data_url = "" option_data_html = requests.get(option_data_url).content option_content = BeautifulSoup(option_data_html, "html.parser") call_option_table = content.find("table", {'class': 'calls W(100%) Pos(r) Bd(0) Pt(0) list-options'}) calls = call_option_table.find_all("tr")[1:] it = 0 for call_option in calls: it+=1 print("it = ", it) if "in-the-money " in str(call_option): itm_calls.append(call_option) print("in the money") itm_put_data = [] for td in BeautifulSoup(str(itm_calls[-1]), "html.parser").find_all("td"): itm_put_data.append(td.text) print(itm_put_data) if itm_put_data[0] == 'MSFT210917C00220000': # One single option stockOptVol[2] = float(itm_put_data[4]) stockOptVol[3] = float(itm_put_data[5]) stockOptVol[4] = float(itm_put_data[-1].strip('%')) else: otm_calls.append(call_option) print("out the money") print("bid = ", option_bid, "\nask = ", option_ask, "\nvol = ",option_vol) return stockOptVol # Record option and volatility stockOptVol = funcRetrieveStockOptionVolatility() optionBid.append(stockOptVol[2]) optionAsk.append(stockOptVol[3]) optionVol.append(stockOptVol[4]) # Wait another 10mn to record a second value for the quadratic interpolation datet = datet = datetime.datetime(datet.year, datet.month,, datet.hour, datet.minute + 10) pause.until(datet) stockOptVol = funcRetrieveStockOptionVolatility() optionBid.append(stockOptVol[2]) optionAsk.append(stockOptVol[3]) optionVol.append(stockOptVol[4]) tradeAtTimeTau = False tradeAtTimeTwoTau = False # Run the loop until 30mn before closure datet = datetend = datetime.datetime(datet.year, datet.month,, datet.hour + 6, datet.minute + 10) while datet <= datetend: datet = datetime.datetime(datet.year, datet.month,, datet.hour, datet.minute + 10) optionBid.pop(0) optionAsk.pop(0) optionVol.pop(0) stockOptVol = funcRetrieveStockOptionVolatility() stockBid = stockOptVol[0] stockAsk = stockOptVol[1] optionBid.append(stockOptVol[2]) optionAsk.append(stockOptVol[3]) optionVol.append(stockOptVol[5]) # Trade if required if tradeAtTimeTau == True or tradeAtTimeTwoTau == True: # sell if tradeAtTimeTau == True: portfolio += min(optionAsk[2],sellingPriceAtTimeTau) * 140 # sell 140 options bought 10mn ago tradeAtTimeTau = tradeAtTimeTwoTau sellingPriceAtTimeTau = sellingPriceAtTimeTwoTau sellingPriceAtTimeTwoTau = false else: # forecast the option when no trading # Interpolation coefa = funcQuadraticInterpolationCoef(optionAsk) # quadratic interpolation of the option ask price coefb = funcQuadraticInterpolationCoef(optionBid) # quadratic interpolation of the option bid price coefs = funcQuadraticInterpolationCoef(optionVol) # quadratic interpolation of the volatility sigma sa = stockAsk # stock ask price sb = stockBid # stock bid price ds = (sa - sb) / Ns # stock grid step for k in range (0, Ns+1): # fill the matrix and the vector for j in range (0, Nt+1): Atemp = np.zeros( dimA ) btemp = np.zeros( dimb ) print("k = {k}, j = {j}".format(k=k,j=j)) if k == 0: Atemp[ k*(Nt+1)+j, k*(Nt+1)+j ] = 1 btemp[ k*(Nt+1)+j ] = funcUab(j*dt,coefb) elif k == Ns: Atemp[ k*(Nt+1)+j, k*(Nt+1)+j ] = 1 btemp[ k*(Nt+1)+j ] = funcUab(j*dt,coefa) elif j == 0: Atemp[ k*(Nt+1)+j, k*(Nt+1)+j ] = 1 btemp[ k*(Nt+1)+j ] = funcF( k*ds+sb, sa, sb, funcUab(j*dt,coefa), funcUab(j*dt,coefb) ) elif j == Nt: # do nothing pass else: # main case akj = 0.5*(255*13*3)* funcUab(j*dt, coefs)**2 * (k*ds + sb)**2 dts = (twotau-dt)/Nt * (sa-sb-ds)/Ns #---------- #----- Integral of the generator L #---------- #----- time derivative #---------- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] = dts / dt**2 # k,j+1 ~ k,j+1 Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = dts / dt**2 # k,j-1 ~ k,j-1 #----- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = - dts / dt**2 # k,j+1 ~ k,j-1 Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] = - dts / dt**2 # k,j-1 ~ k,j+1 #---------- #----- stock derivative #---------- Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = akj**2 * dts / ds**4 # k+1,j ~ k+1,j Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = 4 * akj**2 * dts / ds**4 # k,j ~ k,j Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = akj**2 * dts / ds**4 # k-1,j ~ k-1,j #----- Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = -2 * akj**2 * dts / ds**4 # k+1,j ~ k,j Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = -2 * akj**2 * dts / ds**4 # k,j ~ k+1,j #----- Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = -2 * akj**2 * dts / ds**4 # k-1,j ~ k,j Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = -2 * akj**2 * dts / ds**4 # k,j ~ k-1,j #----- Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = akj**2 * dts / ds**4 # k+1,j ~ k-1,j Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = akj**2 * dts / ds**4 # k-1,j ~ k+1,j #---------- #----- time and stock derivatives #---------- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = akj * dts / (dt*ds**2) # k,j+1 ~ k+1,j Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] = akj * dts / (dt*ds**2) # k+1,j ~ k,j+1 #----- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = - akj * dts / (dt*ds**2) # k,j-1 ~ k+1,j Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = - akj * dts / (dt*ds**2) # k+1,j ~ k,j-1 #---------- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = -2 * akj * dts / (dt*ds**2) # k,j+1 ~ k,j Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] = -2 * akj * dts / (dt*ds**2) # k,j ~ k,j+1 #----- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = 2 * akj * dts / (dt*ds**2) # k,j-1 ~ k,j Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = 2 * akj * dts / (dt*ds**2) # k,j ~ k,j-1 #---------- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = akj * dts / (dt*ds**2) # k,j+1 ~ k-1,j Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] = akj * dts / (dt*ds**2) # k-1,j ~ k,j+1 #----- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = - akj * dts / (dt*ds**2) # k,j-1 ~ k-1,j Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = - akj * dts / (dt*ds**2) # k-1,j ~ k,j-1 #---------- #---------- #----- Regularisation term - using alpha = 0.01 #---------- #---------- #----- H2 norm: 0 derivative #---------- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += alpha # k,j ~ k,j #----- coef = funcF( k*ds+sb, sa, sb, funcUab(j*dt,coefa), funcUab(j*dt,coefb) ) btemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += alpha * 2 * coef #---------- #----- H2 norm: time derivative #---------- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += alpha / dt**2 # k,j+1 ~ k,j+1 Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += alpha / dt**2 # k,j-1 ~ k,j-1 #----- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += -alpha / dt**2 # k,j+1 ~ k,j-1 Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += -alpha / dt**2 # k,j-1 ~ k,j+1 #----- coef = ( funcF( k*ds+sb, sa, sb, funcUab((j+1)*dt,coefa), funcUab((j+1)*dt,coefb) ) \ - funcF( k*ds+sb, sa, sb, funcUab((j-1)*dt,coefa), funcUab((j-1)*dt,coefb) ) ) / dt btemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += alpha * 2 * coef btemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += - alpha * 2 * coef #---------- #----- H2 norm: stock derivative #---------- Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += alpha / ds**2 # k+1,j ~ k+1,j Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += alpha / ds**2 # k-1,j ~ k-1,j #----- Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += -alpha / ds**2 # k+1,j ~ k-1,j Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += -alpha / ds**2 # k-1,j ~ k+1,j #----- coef = ( funcUab(j*dt,coefa) - funcUab(j*dt,coefb) ) / (sa - sb) btemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += alpha * 2 * coef btemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += - alpha * 2 * coef #---------- #----- H2 norm: stock and time derivative #---------- Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += alpha / (ds*dt) # k+1,j+1 ~ k+1,j+1 Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += alpha / (ds*dt) # k-1,j+1 ~ k-1,j+1 Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += alpha / (ds*dt) # k-1,j-1 ~ k-1,j-1 Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += alpha / (ds*dt) # k+1,j-1 ~ k+1,j-1 #---------- Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += -alpha / (ds*dt) # k+1,j+1 ~ k-1,j+1 Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += -alpha / (ds*dt) # k+1,j+1 ~ k+1,j-1 Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += alpha / (ds*dt) # k+1,j+1 ~ k-1,j-1 #----- Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += -alpha / (ds*dt) # k-1,j+1 ~ k+1,j+1 Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += -alpha / (ds*dt) # k+1,j-1 ~ k+1,j+1 Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += alpha / (ds*dt) # k-1,j-1 ~ k+1,j+1 #---------- Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += alpha / (ds*dt) # k-1,j+1 ~ k+1,j-1 Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += -alpha / (ds*dt) # k-1,j+1 ~ k-1,j-1 #----- Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += alpha / (ds*dt) # k+1,j-1 ~ k-1,j+1 Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += -alpha / (ds*dt) # k-1,j-1 ~ k-1,j+1 #---------- Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += -alpha / (ds*dt) # k+1,j-1 ~ k-1,j-1 #----- Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += -alpha / (ds*dt) # k-1,j-1 ~ k+1,j-1 #---------- coef = ( funcUab((j+1)*dt,coefa) - funcUab((j+1)*dt,coefb) \ - funcUab((j-1)*dt,coefa) + funcUab((j-1)*dt,coefb) ) / (dt * (sa - sb)) btemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += alpha * 2 * coef / (ds*dt) btemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += - alpha * 2 * coef / (ds*dt) btemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += - alpha * 2 * coef / (ds*dt) btemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += alpha * 2 * coef / (ds*dt) #---------- #----- H2 norm: stock second derivative #---------- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += alpha / dt**4 # k,j+1 ~ k,j+1 Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += 4 * alpha / dt**4 # k,j ~ k,j Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += alpha / dt**4 # k,j-1 ~ k,j-1 #----- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += -2 * alpha / dt**4 # k,j+1 ~ k,j Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += -2 * alpha / dt**4 # k,j ~ k,j+1 #----- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += alpha / dt**4 # k,j+1 ~ k,j-1 Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += alpha / dt**4 # k,j-1 ~ k,j+1 #----- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += -2 * alpha / dt**4 # k,j ~ k,j-1 Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += -2 * alpha / dt**4 # k,j-1 ~ k,j #---------- #----- H2 norm: time second derivative #---------- Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += alpha / ds**4 # k+1,j ~ k+1,j Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += 4 * alpha / ds**4 # k,j ~ k,j Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += alpha / ds**4 # k-1,j ~ k-1,j #----- Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += -2 * alpha / ds**4 # k+1,j ~ k,j Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += -2 * alpha / ds**4 # k,j ~ k+1,j #----- Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += alpha / ds**4 # k,j ~ k,j Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += alpha / ds**4 # k,j ~ k,j #----- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += -2 * alpha / ds**4 # k,j ~ k-1,j Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += -2 * alpha / ds**4 # k-1,j ~ k,j #---------- coef = ( funcF( k*ds+sb, sa, sb, funcUab((j+1)*dt,coefa), funcUab((j+1)*dt,coefb) ) \ - 2 * funcF( k*ds+sb, sa, sb, funcUab((j+0)*dt,coefa), funcUab((j+0)*dt,coefb) ) \ + funcF( k*ds+sb, sa, sb, funcUab((j-1)*dt,coefa), funcUab((j-1)*dt,coefb) ) ) / dt**2 btemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += alpha * 2 * coef / dt**2 btemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += - alpha * 4 * coef / dt**2 btemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += alpha * 2 * coef / dt**2 #---------- #---------- #----- Boundary de-computation #---------- if k+1 == Ns: Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = 0 # k+1,j ~ k+1,j Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] = 0 # k+1,j+1 ~ k+1,j+1 Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = 0 # k+1,j-1 ~ k+1,j-1 btemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = 0 # k+1,j btemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] = 0 # k+1,j+1 btemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = 0 # k+1,j-1 if k-1 == 0: Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = 0 # k-1,j ~ k-1,j Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] = 0 # k-1,j+1 ~ k-1,j+1 Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = 0 # k-1,j-1 ~ k-1,j-1 btemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = 0 # k-1,j btemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] = 0 # k-1,j+1 btemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = 0 # k-1,j-1 if j-1 == 0: Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = 0 # k,j-1 ~ k,j-1 Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = 0 # k+1,j-1 ~ k+1,j-1 Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = 0 # k-1,j-1 ~ k-1,j-1 btemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = 0 # k,j-1 btemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = 0 # k+1,j-1 btemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = 0 # k-1,j-1 #---------- pass print("-----") print("Atemp = ") print(Atemp) print("-----") print("btemp = ") print(btemp) print("-----") print("-----") A = A + Atemp b = b + btemp print("-----") print("A = ") print(A) print("-----") print("b = ") print(b) print("-----") print("-----") input("Press Enter to continue...") # Conjugate gradient algorithm: x = np.zeros(N).reshape(N,1) r = b - np.matmul(A,x) p = r rsold =,r) for i in range(len(b)): Ap = np.matmul(A,p) alpha = rsold / np.matmul(p.transpose(),Ap) x = x + alpha * p r = r - alpha * Ap rsnew =,r) if np.sqrt(rsnew) < 1e-16: break p = r + (rsnew / rsold) * p rsold = rsnew print("it = ", i) print("rsold = ", rsold) # Trading strategy sm = (sa + sb)/2 if x[Ns/2*(Nt+1)+Nt/2] >= optionAsk[0] + securityMargin: tradeAtTimeTau = True sellingPriceAtTimeTau = x[Ns/2*(Nt+1)+Nt/2] portfolio -= 140 * optionAsk # buy 140 options if x[Ns/2*(Nt+1)+Nt] >= optionAsk[0] + securityMargin: tradeAtTimeTwoTau = True sellingPriceAtTimeTwoTau = x[Ns/2*(Nt+1)+Nt] portfolio -= 140 * optionAsk # buy 140 options pause.until(datet) # Wait 10mn before the next loop pause.until(datet) datet = # Time should be around 20mn before closure datet = datetime.datetime(datet.year, datet.month,, datet.hour, datet.minute + 10) if tradeAtTimeTau == True: # sell stockOptVol = funcRetrieveStockOptionVolatility() optionAsk.pop(0) optionAsk.append(stockOptVol[3]) portfolio += min(optionAsk[2],sellingPriceAtTimeTau) * 140 # Wait 10mn more to sell the last options pause.until(datet) # it should be around 10mn before closure if tradeAtTimeTwoTau == True: # sell stockOptVol = funcRetrieveStockOptionVolatility() optionAsk.pop(0) optionAsk.append(stockOptVol[3]) portfolio += min(optionAsk[2],sellingPriceAtTimeTwoTau) * 140 # Market closure 
Don't put money on this as I'm still debugging (I bet you half a bitcoin I have mistaken a few indices in the H_2 norm)... Here is the discretisation formula I used, to copy-paste on latexbase:
\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \title{Klibanov algorithm} \author{Discretisation formula} \date{\today} \begin{document} \maketitle Let $$ a_{k,j} = \frac12\sigma(j\delta_\tau)^2\times(255\times13\times3)\times(k\delta_s+s_a)^2, $$ then \begin{alignat*}{3} J_\alpha(u) = & \sum_{k=1}^{N_s} \sum_{j=1}^{N_t} \left| \frac{u_{k,j+1} - u_{k,j-1}}{\delta_\tau} + a_{k,j} \frac{u_{k+1,j} - 2u_{k,j} + u_{k-1,j}}{\delta_s^2}\right|^2\frac{2\tau - \delta_\tau}{N_t}\frac{s_a - s_b - \delta_s}{N_s}\\ & + \alpha \sum_{k=1}^{N_s} \sum_{j=1}^{N_t} \left| u_{k,j} - F_{k,j}\right|^2 \\ & \qquad + \left| \frac{u_{k,j+1} - u_{k,j-1}}{\delta_t} - \frac{F_{k,j+1} - F_{k,j-1}}{\delta_t}\right|^2 \\ & \qquad + \left| \frac{u_{k+1,j} - u_{k-1,j}}{\delta_s} - \frac{u_{a,j} - u_{b,j}}{s_a - s_b}\right|^2 \\ & \qquad + \left| \frac{(u_{k+1,j+1} - u_{k-1,j+1}) - (u_{k+1,j-1} - u_{k-1,j-1})}{\delta_s\delta_t} \right. \\ & \qquad \qquad \left. - \frac{(u_{a,j+1} - u_{b,j+1}) - (u_{a,j-1} - u_{b,j-1})}{(s_a-s_b)\delta_t}\right|^2 \\ & \qquad + \left| \frac{u_{k,j+1} - 2u_{k,j} + u_{k,j-1}}{\delta_\tau^2} - \frac{F_{k,j+1} - 2F_{k,j} + F_{k,j-1}}{\delta_\tau^2} \right|^2 \\ & \qquad + \left| \frac{u_{k+1,j} - 2u_{k,j} + u_{k-1,j}}{\delta_s^2}\right|^2 \end{alignat*} %% \left| \right|^2 with $\tau = 1$ unit of time (for example 10mn). \end{document} 
Let me know if you see something wrong... And if you want to contribute, feel free
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conjugate gradient method example python video

Conjugate gradient method Overview of Conjugate Gradient Method - YouTube Conjugate Gradient Method - YouTube Conjugate Gradient Method - YouTube Conjugate Gradient Tutorial - YouTube Lecture 41 : Conjugate gradient method - YouTube conjugate gradient method for nonlinear functions - YouTube Conjugate Gradient (Fletcher Reeves) Method - YouTube Introduction to Conjugate Gradient - YouTube Lecture 10 Method of Conjugate Gradients 1 - YouTube

However, coming back to the title of this post: the conjugate gradient in python. The conjugate gradient is, as far as I know, the best method to minimize systems of linear equations such as (1) where is our forward model, the observable and our variable of interest. The conjugate gradient converges quadratically, which makes it an ... The Conjugate Gradient Method is an iterative technique for solving large sparse systems of linear equations. As a linear algebra and matrix manipulation technique, it is a useful tool in approximating solutions to linearized partial di erential equations. The fundamental concepts are introduced and utilized as the foundation for the derivation of the Conjugate Gradient Method. Alongside the ... I implemented Conjugate Gradient in python by looking into the Wikipedia reference - The implementation should ... Minimize a function using a nonlinear conjugate gradient algorithm. Parameters f callable, f(x, *args) Objective function to be minimized. Here x must be a 1-D array of the variables that are to be changed in the search for a minimum, and args are the other (fixed) parameters of f. x0 ndarray. A user-supplied initial estimate of xopt, the optimal value of x. It must be a 1-D array of values ... In this example we follow An Introduction to the Conjugate Gradient Method Without the Agonizing Pain and demonstrate few concepts in Python. I shamelessly quote the original document in few places. References to equations and figures are given in terms of the original document. The conjugate gradient method 3. Boosting Python Powered by Jupyter repository. Contents 2.1. Introduction 2.2. Projection methods 2.3. Steepest descend method 2.4. Conjugate gradient method 2.5. Summary 2.6. References 2. The conjugate gradient method¶ 2.1. Introduction¶ For convenience, we start by importing some modules needed below: import numpy as np import matplotlib ... A is a sparse symmetric 162*162 matrix. Since the spilu gives an approximation to the inverse of A, say M approximates A, and so spilu(A) gives M^-1, which is the preconditioner. I find that we can directly gives the preconditioner in the python Conjugate Gradient function, but my code below does not work. Conjugate Gradient Method • direct and indirect methods • positive definite linear systems • Krylov sequence • spectral analysis of Krylov sequence • preconditioning EE364b, Stanford University. Three classes of methods for linear equations methods to solve linear system Ax = b, A ∈ Rn×n • dense direct (factor-solve methods) – runtime depends only on size; independent of data ... 6.2 In this example, the conjugate gradient method also converges in four total steps, with much less zig-zagging than the gradient descent method or even Newton’s method.77 7.1 The steps of the DFP algorithm applied to F(x;y).84 7.2 The steps of the DFP algorithm applied to F(x;y).91 8.1 A comparison of the BFGS method using numerical gradients vs. exact gradients.97 8.2 Powell’s ... conjugate gradient method implemented with python. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

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Conjugate gradient method

About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... Matlab class final project, Qi Li Lecture course 236330, Introduction to Optimization, by Michael Zibulevsky, TechnionMotivation 0:0Scalar product, definition 4:47 (slide on 8:53), and exampl... Video lecture on the Conjugate Gradient Method This video will explain the working of the Conjugate Gradient (Fletcher Reeves) Method for solving the Unconstrained Optimization problems.Steepest Descent M... In this tutorial I explain the method of Conjugate Gradients for solving a particular system of linear equations Ax=b, with a positive semi-definite and symm... This is a brief introduction to the optimization algorithm called conjugate gradient. A brief overview of steepest descent and how it leads the an optimization technique called the Conjugate Gradient Method. Also shows a simple Matlab example ... Conjugate gradient method In mathematics, the conjugate gradient method is an algorithm for the numerical solution of particular systems of linear equations, namely those whose matrix is symmetric ... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ...

conjugate gradient method example python

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